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Architecture Firm Network Upgrade in Los Angeles and Orange County

Kwan Henmi Architects have a passion for design, community and service. They have been widely recognized for the interior design of SBC Park, Moscone Center extension, and San Francisco Main Library among other projects. 

Kwan Henmi Architects was looking to upgrade its aging infrastructure, with a focus on upgrade-ability and reliability. ActivSupport had already upgraded Kwan Henmi Architect infrastructure back in 1999, integrating multiple offices into a single NT domain through a VPN. 
This time around, ActivSupport focused on delivering high bandwidth solution to Kwan Henmi Architects to maximize operational efficiency, including upgrade of the network backbone, backup hardware and software, FTP, and file servers. The solution included a best of breed approach using Windows 2003 for File/Directory services, RedHat Linux for FTP, Cisco Pix for the Firewall/VPN, Dell for servers’ hardware, and HP for robotic tape backup. In addition, ActivSupport upgraded the messaging platform to Microsoft Exchange 2003 as the current messaging solution was "hitting the scalability wall" and becoming increasingly unreliable. 
The migration of user accounts and data, as well as integration of new services was carefully planned for and executed flawlessly. After a couple of weeks of fine tuning, the project was declared successfully completed. Kwan Henmi Architects enjoy a high availability computing environment and peace of mind thanks to their IT outsourcing Service Level Agreement with ActivSupport since 1998.

ActivSupport delivers consulting and outsourcing services across Microsoft, Linux, and Cisco networks to small businesses and enterprises alike all over the U.S. For a free consultation, call ActivSupport at 1-877-ACTIVNET (1-877-228-4863) or use our online contact form. Digg Furl Google Windows Live Yahoo MyWeb Newsvine Reddit Slashdot StumbleUpon Technorati