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Information Technologies in Los Angeles and Orange County

ActivSupport technology experts hold many certifications, including Microsoft MCSE's, Cisco CIEE, and Linux LPI. The depth of expertise at ActivSupport allow customers to choose from a wider array of options, and leverage best of breed applications across Microsoft, Cisco, Linux and other open source computing environments.

  • Certified Cisco consultants ActivSupport Cisco experts team includes a number of CCIE consultants versed in solving the most strenuous internet-working challenges including integration, authentication and convergence related issues. ActivSupport also provides flexible pricing options such as our very affordable flat fee configuration services for most Cisco routers, Cisco Pix firewalls and Cisco ASA appliances.
  • SQL Experts ActivSupport Microsoft SQL experts’ team has helped score of organizations designing, troubleshooting, upgrading, developing and supporting their Microsoft SQL database applications. With the help of ActivSupport MS SQL expert consultants your business can harvest all the benefits from the enhanced analysis, reporting, integration and notifications built-in to Microsoft SQL 2005.
  • Certified Windows engineers ActivSupport certified Microsoft windows engineers intervene in planning, troubleshooting, and deployments with the whole gambit of Microsoft Windows servers including MS Windows Longhorn, Microsoft .Net servers and Microsoft Windows 2003.R2. ActivSupport is among the few worldwide Certified Microsoft Gold Advanced Infrastructure partners expert at delivering the new generation of Microsoft Windows servers. Digg Furl Google Windows Live Yahoo MyWeb Newsvine Reddit Slashdot StumbleUpon Technorati